
Kim Mihri at Popüler
Medyascope Tv / Popüler / 15 May 2019
Director Berna Gençalp talks to the Popüler program-maker Sevim Gözay, about the making of the Kim Mihri documentary which is currently at the production stage.

A Talk on Kim Mihri at Kent FM
101.4 Kent FM / 1001 Istanbul / May 7, 2019
Director Berna Gençalp and Istanbul tour guide Nihan Vural talked about the making of the Kim Mihri documentary on the life of the Painter Mihri, and the Poet Nigar, who were two late Ottoman era women.

Mihri Beyond Limits
Vogue Turkey / Article in Turkish / April 2019
“Kalıplara Sığmayan Mihri” (Mihri Beyond Limits) written by Hande Oynar

Thoroughly Modern Mihri
Cornucopia Magazine / Issue 59, 2019
Article in English, “Thoroughly Modern Mihri”, written by Jamie Leptien

A Talk on Kim Mihri at Açık Radyo
94.9 Açık Radyo / Metropolitika / March 20, 2019
Director Berna Gençalp and programmer Aysim Türkmen discuss the documentary Kim Mihri which is in the production stage. During the program, Eleni Lomvardou’s original music for the documentary was played for the first time on the radio.

Mihri Hanım in the Headlines, Again
Mihri Hanım Yine Manşetlerde (Mihri Hanım in the Headlines, Again)
Sabah Newspaper / Article / 10 March 2019
Article in Turkish, “Mihri Hanım Yine Manşetlerde” by Olkan Özyurt

First-ever Mihri Exhibition Opened at Salt Galata
A Migrant Painter of Modern Times: Mihri

A Painter Woman from Ottoman to Republic Era: Mihri
Osmanlı’dan Cumhuriyet’e Bir Kadın Ressam: Mihri (A Painter Woman from Ottoman to Republic Era: Mihri)
Toplumsal Tarih Magazine / Cover Story on Mihri / Issue 303, March 2019
Mihri appears on the cover of this Turkish history publication edited by Özlem Gülin Dağoğlu and Gizem Tongo. The ‘Kim Mihri’ documentary, which is in the production stage, is also included in this Mihri themed issue.

The Daring Woman of the Art Scene: Mihri
Milliyet Sanat / Cover Story / March 2019
Cover Announcement “Resim Sahnesinin Cesur Kadını: Mihri” (The Daring Woman of the Art Scene: Mihri)
Article in Turkish “Zamansız Bir Öncü” (A Timeless Pioneer) written by Ali Kayaalp

A Documentary Following the Traces of Mihri: Kim Mihri
Bianet / Interview in Turkish / February 26, 2019
“Ressam Mihri’nin İzinde Bir Proje: Kim Mihri” (A Documentary Following the Traces of Mihri: Kim Mihri) by Ayşegül Özbek

This is a True Life Story
Writer/Director Berna Gençalp gave an interview to Business Woman Türkiye magazine for 2018 May issue. The interview was about the production journey of Kim Mihri (Who is Mihri) documentary and the director mentioned the need for sponsorship and support.

Pitching Award at Antalya Film Forum
Who is Mihri feature documentary film project won the award of 10,000 Euros, at the Antalya Film Forum Documentary Pitching Platform of the 53rd International Antalya Film Festival in 2016.

Kim Mihri Team at Animasyros
Back in 2016 we did our first international pitching of Kim Mihri (Who is Mihri) at Animasyros…

Mihri İstanbul Modern’deydi…
Hayal ve Hakikat – Türkiye’den Modern ve Çağdaş Kadın Sanatçılar
16 Eylül 2011 – 22 Ocak 2012
İstanbul Modern
Hayal ve Hakikat – Türkiye’den Modern ve Çağdaş Kadın Sanatçılar
16 Eylül 2011 – 22 Ocak 2012
İstanbul Modern’in Hayal ve Hakikat – Türkiye’den Modern ve Çağdaş Kadın Sanatçılar sergisinde Türkiye’nin toplumsal ve kültürel dönüşümü kadın sanatçıların üretimleri üzerinden gündeme getirildi. Modern ve çağdaş sanatta kadın sanatçıların öncü ve eleştirel pozisyonlarını merkez alan sergi, Türkiye’nin sosyokültürel tarihine yeni ve alternatif bir bakış sundu.
Küratörler Fatmagül Berktay, Levent Çalıkoğlu, Zeynep İnankur ve Burcu Pelvanoğlu’nun oluşturduğu seçki, kadın sanatçıların 1900’lü yılların başından bugüne uzanan üretim sürecini kapsayarak, resimden videoya birçok farklı sanat disiplinine yer veriyor. Sergide eseri ile yer alan sanatçılar arasında Ressam Mihri Hanım da yer alıyor.

Mihri Mimar Sinan’da
15 Aralık 2015’te, Mimar Sinan Üniversitesi Grafik Tasarım Bölümü İllüstrasyon Dersi için Kim Mihri projesi sunuldu…